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Calculus 1 Book Free Download: An Introduction to Calculus with Applications and Examples

The calculus content doesn't really change, so this textbook, along with any other, will be relevant for quite a time. The order may not be be how all instructors teach, but instructors should be able to make the professional judgement to utilize the book "out of order" if it suits their teaching pedagogy.

The text is organized in a way for instructors to teach this course with early transcendentals or not although it will take some work on their part. Similarly to the note above, a "guide" for students would be beneficial as they are the ones who should be interacting, reading, and synthesizing the materials in the text. I believe many calculus textbooks, this one included, are written to favor faculty to choose the textbook rather than written in a manner that is approachable for students.

calculus 1 book free download

With the current issue of D/F/W rates in calculus courses across the country, having a small note at the beginning of each section to remind students of required prerequisite skills and concepts would benefit students reading the text to obtain some just in time remediation if needed to make sure they can be on-level or as close to that as possible. The notes could reference other OER course books as well. It may also be beneficial pedagogically for instructors and a great marketing tool to get more faculty on board utilizing OER.

This textbook contains all the material that is typically covered in a first semester calculus course. It is written in such a way that one can do either early or late transcendentals. It also contains a review of pre-calculus material more

This textbook contains all the material that is typically covered in a first semester calculus course. It is written in such a way that one can do either early or late transcendentals. It also contains a review of pre-calculus material and answers to odd numbered problems.

The book covers all of the topics I would expect in a first-semester "early transcendentals"-style calculus course. It contains a detailed table of contents and a thorough-seeming index. It does set itself a difficult challenge of more

This is a very usable and easily-accessible textbook for a first course in calculus, early transcendentals. If you want to use it for a late transcendentals course you will have to do some work reordering and skipping sections and individual problems and examples.

This book covers the standard Calculus 1 course: traditional topics of differential calculus and the basic concepts of integral calculus. The compact review of functions helps to make a good start with calculus. The text is vivid and lucid and more

This book covers the standard Calculus 1 course: traditional topics of differential calculus and the basic concepts of integral calculus. The compact review of functions helps to make a good start with calculus. The text is vivid and lucid and not overcomplicated, exercises are reasonably difficult.Learning objectives, at the beginning of each section, key terms, key concepts, and key equations at the end of each sections are very helpful.Therefore the text is very comprehensive.

Calculus content text is relatively timeless. The examples within the content may need to be updated from time to time, and this textbook has done so to a satisfactory degree. Those interactive features are good examples of this work. It certainly can be more of them, comparing to some commercial calculus text, if time and resources allow.

This is a good book for a 1st calculus course, especially for those non-STEM majors. It is more focus on introducing the concepts with examples of application well worked out. I have also read through another older Calculus text in this open library by Strang. The older text is a traditional calculus book can be used in 2-3 semesters calculus sequence course. The older one probably requires a more rigorous algebra background. However, that older text contains very good narratives that explore/explains those ideas presented in calculus, some of them are thoughtfully placed to connect reader to the background why/how certain theorems emerge or being developed. I think these two texts can be good supplement to each other for a calculus sequence course, depending on the skill level and goal of the course. I consider this is the ultimate advantage of using OER material, instructor can put together a good curriculum material suitable for the audience without worry too much about hiking up the cost.

This book contains all of the topics and material you would expect to see in a first calculus course. It starts with a review of functions, moves to limits, and then proceeds through differentiation and integration. There is a nice mix of more

This book contains all of the topics and material you would expect to see in a first calculus course. It starts with a review of functions, moves to limits, and then proceeds through differentiation and integration. There is a nice mix of theory and applications throughout. The index and glossary are both easy to use. There are also several interactive applets that have easy click-throughs from the pdf and the ebook.

Most of the real-world examples are from the last 5-10 years, so will lose some relevance as time goes by, but the math would of course still be perfectly valid. This book could do a bit more integrating coding or interactivity in ways that many completely online textbooks have already done. However, for a book that must exist as a static pdf, this is perfectly fine. There are also several projects that are suggested in the book that are in line with current calculus pedagogy trends.

This follows the usual progression of a calculus textbook: limits, derivatives, applications, integrals, and more applications. This means it's a very easy switch. The derivative rules are presented in a logical order, with motivating examples.

The online version of the book and the downloadable PDF are both very easy to load, navigate, and read on-screen. However, the problems at the end of each section are not numbered in the online version of the book, and this makes it difficult for students to find the assigned problems unless they have a download (which they do not if, for example, they're working on a phone) or a hard copy.

I recommend the book. The biggest problem I have had is with the errors that change meaning, but these are easy enough to spot and do not seem to be a problem in the online version. I have not had students complain about them much. A smaller but still irritating issue is the lack of numbers on the problems in the online version, which makes it difficult for students using the book on a mobile device to locate the homework. However, beyond those two things I find the book to be of excellent quality, particularly given that it is free.

This book covers all major topics in a typical first calculus course. Our curriculum also includes numerical integration, which is in the corresponding Calculus II text, but that single section could be easily incorporated into our Calculus more

This book covers all major topics in a typical first calculus course. Our curriculum also includes numerical integration, which is in the corresponding Calculus II text, but that single section could be easily incorporated into our Calculus I course. Extensive further-reaching problems and Student Projects for each chapter make this text suitable for honors sections as well. A comprehensive Table of Contents and Index are easily located at the beginning and end of the text, respectively. A variety of application problems requiring the use of technology (denoted with [T]) accompany solid pure math exercises.

This book follows the traditional layout of a calculus book. The sections lined up almost exactly with our current book. In fact, we currently cover 251 in 24 sections, and Open stax covers the material in 25 sections.

I found this book to be clear and logically laid out. There were nice pieces of history interjected. The layout was intuitive. Each section was well motivated with examples. I also appreciated that volume 1 only covered only differential and integral calculus.

The nature of the subject makes it difficult to imagine a calculus book becoming out-of-date. The non-mathematical content of some textbooks (like historical notes) can become irrelevant or outdated, but this textbook has very little non-mathematical content and so it is not in danger of becoming out-of-date quickly.

Calculus is designed for the typical two- or three-semester general calculus course, incorporating innovative features to enhance student learning. The book guides students through the core concepts of calculus and helps them understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in three volumes for flexibility and efficiency. Volume 1 covers functions, limits, derivatives, and integration.

APEX Calculus is a free, open calculus textbook created by Greg Hartman of the Virginia Military Institute. University of Lethbridge has used APEX Calculus since 2015. Traditionally we used PDF textbooks edited by Sean Fitzpatrick to align with the U of L calculus courses.

The next version is divided into parts to reflect the standard four-semester calculus sequence at U of L. This version also contains embedded videos recorded by Sean Fitzpatrick to match the content of the book. Videos are currently available for all chapters except for the chapters on vectors, and vector-valued functions. The PDF version has exactly the same content as the HTML. Videos are replaced by a thumbnail and a QR code the reader can use to access the video on a mobile device.

There are many other excellent calculus resources. We have chosen to link to books written in PreTeXt, since these are available in HTML, and they often have useful features for self-study, such as interactive exercises.

Welcome to my online math tutorials and notes. The intent of this site is to provide a complete set of free online (and downloadable) notes and/or tutorials for classes that I teach at Lamar University. I've tried to write the notes/tutorials in such a way that they should be accessible to anyone wanting to learn the subject regardless of whether you are in my classes or not. In other words, they do not assume you've got any prior knowledge other than the standard set of prerequisite material needed for that class. In other words, it is assumed that you know Algebra and Trig prior to reading the Calculus I notes, know Calculus I prior to reading the Calculus II notes, etc. The assumptions about your background that I've made are given with each description below. 2ff7e9595c

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