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Line Of Defense Tactics - Tactical Advantage Full Crack [License]

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

About This Game A real-time strategy combat game based on the world of the Line Of Defense. Command a team of four Galactic Command marines in highly classified missions in space and on planets.Equip your team with all types of inventory items, including weapons of mass destruction, space and planetary vehicles as they fight hard to accomplish their missions based on issue #0 of the Line Of Defense comic by DC Comics.Line Of Defense Tactics also contains a full database of all assets from Line Of Defense MMO game – making it an excellent companion appAction based storyline based on the Line Of Defense comicsReal time tactical combat with a persistent team of charactersFight the enemy in ship to ship combat, inside their bases, and on the groundCommand infantry, autonomous androids, and vehicles to complete your missionsCall in airstrikes, deploy turrets, and gain access to advanced weaponry as you progressAccess the Line Of Defense MMO game's unit and equipment database for intelLine Of Defense is also available for mobile (iOS, Android) devices, PC and Mac OSX. 6d5b4406ea Title: Line Of Defense Tactics - Tactical AdvantageGenre: Action, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:3000ADPublisher:3000ADRelease Date: 17 Mar, 2014 Line Of Defense Tactics - Tactical Advantage Full Crack [License] To put this game in to one word, I'd say it's obnoxious. The control scheme is novel, but appauling and awquward. There are all ready better control schemes designed for this kind of thing, and they work. If you hold the "order bar" in one spot for one second, literally one second, I get some rotory options wheel that i can't back out of without having to start over my order.Also, theres no restarting a checkpoint, or even restarting the entire mission. If you mess up something, the only option is to back out of the mission entirely, and go through 5 menus to start up again, and half of them are basically a "are you sure you want to start this level?" kind of selection. Theres no real cover in this game either. There are little areas marked by dots that provide a half damage factor, but that's all you get. The "cover" works in all angles around it too, so there's no real purpose for tactical moving in order to flank, or prevent flanking. Theres no suppressive fire, no smoke grenade to mask movements, no higher ground advantage, Nothing that really even incorporates tactics besides not making your squad run too far into the map and getting overwhelmed by guys that you couldnt see because of the lame\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665fog of war. Theres no real tactic necessity when playing. Which hardly makes sense, seeing that "tactics" is the biggest part of the title.This game blows. I'm incredibly dissapointed because it looked like it'd be super fun. For this price, I really expected a more sophisticated game. Instead, it's less deep and well thought out than other mobile games I paid five dollars for. The story is not very developed, actions have very little motivation, and the whole thing just feel disjointed. It seems more like a coffee break game, in bite size. And even at the current 50% off it is way over priced.. -tl;dr Review: 4\/10 DO NOT BUY-Overpriced even on sale, you'll get maybe 8 hours of gaming out of it. It's shallow, so when you do enjoy it, just know you won't get much more of it. A steal at a dollar, fairly priced at $5, neutral at $10, what are you gonna do\/maybe if I'm rich at $15. At $25, go ahead and buy yourself two premium AAA titles that are a year old and do yourself a favor.(Also note -the forums are kinda hidden, (link http:\/\/\/app\/267220\/discussions\/ ) note that developer Derek Smart WILL ban you if you disagree (http:\/\/\/e1SZkWG.png), \/posts against the game will be deleted. He hasn't changed from the Battlecruiser "THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER AND YOU'RE ALL PLEBES!" Usenet days. :\/ http:\/\/\/2012\/11\/14\/3553620\/the-redemption-of-derek-smart-Full Review-GraphicsThey're fine -maybe even cool - but space marines are pretty ubiquitus now. I get that this is art he's been using for years (though WH40k, Heinlein, Doom etc etc really made these settings so nobody gets credit) but I couldn't help thinking "blue mass effect." This game has a lot of blue and red, and if you play it on a mobile device at a mobile price that would be fine but on a PC the graphics just look... well, ported. Also $25 bucks feels high because he's basically just reusing assets from the MMO - (Not this game - just the same stuff. The MMO) http:\/\/\/watch?v=ALg8Nzccbnw ) to make a game. They're fine, and probably the best part of the game, but if you've played Halo, Mass Effect, or anything else you've seen these designs, ships, locations, armors. It looks kinda like the aliens from the movie Battleship, honestly.GameplayI'm going to seperate this from controls, so I'll say this is the best part. You can move dudes around, trick the ai to rush you, put down\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 use nades. The 16 levels you get are pretty fun (though if you're good at it they go by very quickly - especially if you don't fully explore them.) Ugrading equipment and leveling are satisfying - though this is part of the shallowness - not many levels, not many upgrades, etc. Just enough to wet your whistle. The big things are neat and genuinely scary, and the space combat is the most fun part (as would be expected of a D\/S game.) And that's how the game-play would be if the next section of the review doesn't exist.ControlsHere there be dragons... These might work on a tablet - I do not know. But the mouse and keyboard is radial menus and brokenness and confusion. There's no screen pause to catch your breath - instead it's the freemium mobile style right to menu (so you can't tactically advance ahead of the pay-to-play mechanic on tablet by stopping to think) BS that drives me nuts. Can I just get a moment to think in a clear screen, please? I paid 25 dollars. (And don't worry there's no Freemium pay to play nonsense in this, but at that price there had better not be - it's just the mechanic still exists in the game.)(Combat http:\/\/\/sU37J3JjXUA?t=6m43s)Everything moves faster than you can get the controls to work (unless you're really good at counter-intuitive controls - I moved through the game very quickly but I understood where the levels were trying to take me and I did that\/moved VERY slowly.) I almost died a lot (but based on some other reviews I'm apparently very good - I got through many levels with 0 revives and one dude barely alive - so if you're all wiping a lot I'm not surprised. I may have gotten supernaturally lucky.)(You'll note that in their videos they use a ton of cuts - that's probably because doing a tutorial without screwing up has got to be difficult with the control scheme.) https:\/\/\/watch?v=7TvRQYc6oUM Basically the controls are broken, and if you tell the dev that he'll accuse you of being bad at games, but I'd like to see a lets play of someone really rocking this control scheme when the\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665goes down if it's as easy as the dev says, along with a shot of their hands moving on the mouse\/keyboard. Pressing 1-4 to select dudes is helpful, but it's the menus and the inability to "clean pause" that ruins it. On top of that, there's no volume control (because it's a PORT and tablets have switches for that.)ReplayabilityThere is a horde map. You can replay it. It's got nowhere to hide, no choke points, and a lot of fences. Did you die? Play it again. There is a campaign. It's actually pretty fun. When you're done with it a few hours later, play it again. (not out of order though, you don't get to replay missions without replaying the whole shebang.) Play it more if you want equipment you don't need, or weaker versions of equipment you have. Done all that? Write a review and get banned from the forums forever. It's been about 5 hours and you're done. Happy 25$PriceI get that games cost money. But the constantly being taken down video of the game that this is based on uses all the same assets as this (a game that I believe is tardy, but don't quote me on that.) And on android it's much, much less {$4.99.} It's why I say this game would be a steal at a dollar and fair at five - when this is a five dollar game with the Dev not attacking players, it will be a solid effort and 6 out of 10, but when you charge a premium price you review against that.Try to point this out and this happens: http:\/\/\/K8dn30P.pngTotal: 4\/10 DO NOT BUY.I can't recommend this - some of the additions below will show why, but it's mostly the game\/price. The rest is just... very, very odd behavior.SCREENIES, LINKS* How the review WAS shaping up, and the nonsense that ended up tanking it http:\/\/\/app\/267220\/discussions\/0\/558747921885310403\/ and proof of my banning for "rude". http:\/\/\/sy2DLJS.png)* Yet more banning going on, and now he's editing other people's comments. http:\/\/\/QrbFxDY.png http:\/\/\/1qHnDoQ* "Derek Smart on why Line of Defense Tactics costs more on PC than on mobile devices"http:\/\/\/indie\/derek-smart-why-line-defense-tactics-costs-more-pc-mobile-devices* A hilariously fake review and the accompanying censurous legal threat: http:\/\/\/game-reviews\/completely-libelous-review\/1\/* More context. https:\/\/\/forum\/#!topic\/\/E7q27JJGvJ4* Metacritic score http:\/\/\/game\/pc\/line-of-defense-tactics---tactical-advantage* How Derek felt about deving for mobile (Before deving for mobile) http:\/\/\/ibCpjQRSSTs?t=4m21s* Derek accuses me of having multiple accounts and "teases" the word lawsuit while tl;dringhttp:\/\/\/app\/267220\/discussions\/0\/558747922093449025\/ EDIT: More veiled threats. I want to love this game, there is so much potential. Its let down by an appaling interface. You cant pause without giving an order... Whats wrong with the spacebar to pause??? it works for every other game like this. Also why use radial menus? they are for console games. PC games use the mouse and keyboard. List the squad members across the bottom of the screen and place the order buttons for each one above their picture, that way you can see their status and what they have avaibable easily. Every time i play this my squad gets whiped out because i deliver an order to charge forward out of cover by accident. Anything more complex than move and shoot is too complex in the heat of battle... which defeats the point of this game.. -tl;dr Review: 4\/10 DO NOT BUY-Overpriced even on sale, you'll get maybe 8 hours of gaming out of it. It's shallow, so when you do enjoy it, just know you won't get much more of it. A steal at a dollar, fairly priced at $5, neutral at $10, what are you gonna do\/maybe if I'm rich at $15. At $25, go ahead and buy yourself two premium AAA titles that are a year old and do yourself a favor.(Also note -the forums are kinda hidden, (link http:\/\/\/app\/267220\/discussions\/ ) note that developer Derek Smart WILL ban you if you disagree (http:\/\/\/e1SZkWG.png), \/posts against the game will be deleted. He hasn't changed from the Battlecruiser "THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER AND YOU'RE ALL PLEBES!" Usenet days. :\/ http:\/\/\/2012\/11\/14\/3553620\/the-redemption-of-derek-smart-Full Review-GraphicsThey're fine -maybe even cool - but space marines are pretty ubiquitus now. I get that this is art he's been using for years (though WH40k, Heinlein, Doom etc etc really made these settings so nobody gets credit) but I couldn't help thinking "blue mass effect." This game has a lot of blue and red, and if you play it on a mobile device at a mobile price that would be fine but on a PC the graphics just look... well, ported. Also $25 bucks feels high because he's basically just reusing assets from the MMO - (Not this game - just the same stuff. The MMO) http:\/\/\/watch?v=ALg8Nzccbnw ) to make a game. They're fine, and probably the best part of the game, but if you've played Halo, Mass Effect, or anything else you've seen these designs, ships, locations, armors. It looks kinda like the aliens from the movie Battleship, honestly.GameplayI'm going to seperate this from controls, so I'll say this is the best part. You can move dudes around, trick the ai to rush you, put down\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 use nades. The 16 levels you get are pretty fun (though if you're good at it they go by very quickly - especially if you don't fully explore them.) Ugrading equipment and leveling are satisfying - though this is part of the shallowness - not many levels, not many upgrades, etc. Just enough to wet your whistle. The big things are neat and genuinely scary, and the space combat is the most fun part (as would be expected of a D\/S game.) And that's how the game-play would be if the next section of the review doesn't exist.ControlsHere there be dragons... These might work on a tablet - I do not know. But the mouse and keyboard is radial menus and brokenness and confusion. There's no screen pause to catch your breath - instead it's the freemium mobile style right to menu (so you can't tactically advance ahead of the pay-to-play mechanic on tablet by stopping to think) BS that drives me nuts. Can I just get a moment to think in a clear screen, please? I paid 25 dollars. (And don't worry there's no Freemium pay to play nonsense in this, but at that price there had better not be - it's just the mechanic still exists in the game.)(Combat http:\/\/\/sU37J3JjXUA?t=6m43s)Everything moves faster than you can get the controls to work (unless you're really good at counter-intuitive controls - I moved through the game very quickly but I understood where the levels were trying to take me and I did that\/moved VERY slowly.) I almost died a lot (but based on some other reviews I'm apparently very good - I got through many levels with 0 revives and one dude barely alive - so if you're all wiping a lot I'm not surprised. I may have gotten supernaturally lucky.)(You'll note that in their videos they use a ton of cuts - that's probably because doing a tutorial without screwing up has got to be difficult with the control scheme.) https:\/\/\/watch?v=7TvRQYc6oUM Basically the controls are broken, and if you tell the dev that he'll accuse you of being bad at games, but I'd like to see a lets play of someone really rocking this control scheme when the\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665goes down if it's as easy as the dev says, along with a shot of their hands moving on the mouse\/keyboard. Pressing 1-4 to select dudes is helpful, but it's the menus and the inability to "clean pause" that ruins it. On top of that, there's no volume control (because it's a PORT and tablets have switches for that.)ReplayabilityThere is a horde map. You can replay it. It's got nowhere to hide, no choke points, and a lot of fences. Did you die? Play it again. There is a campaign. It's actually pretty fun. When you're done with it a few hours later, play it again. (not out of order though, you don't get to replay missions without replaying the whole shebang.) Play it more if you want equipment you don't need, or weaker versions of equipment you have. Done all that? Write a review and get banned from the forums forever. It's been about 5 hours and you're done. Happy 25$PriceI get that games cost money. But the constantly being taken down video of the game that this is based on uses all the same assets as this (a game that I believe is tardy, but don't quote me on that.) And on android it's much, much less {$4.99.} It's why I say this game would be a steal at a dollar and fair at five - when this is a five dollar game with the Dev not attacking players, it will be a solid effort and 6 out of 10, but when you charge a premium price you review against that.Try to point this out and this happens: http:\/\/\/K8dn30P.pngTotal: 4\/10 DO NOT BUY.I can't recommend this - some of the additions below will show why, but it's mostly the game\/price. The rest is just... very, very odd behavior.SCREENIES, LINKS* How the review WAS shaping up, and the nonsense that ended up tanking it http:\/\/\/app\/267220\/discussions\/0\/558747921885310403\/ and proof of my banning for "rude". http:\/\/\/sy2DLJS.png)* Yet more banning going on, and now he's editing other people's comments. http:\/\/\/QrbFxDY.png http:\/\/\/1qHnDoQ* "Derek Smart on why Line of Defense Tactics costs more on PC than on mobile devices"http:\/\/\/indie\/derek-smart-why-line-defense-tactics-costs-more-pc-mobile-devices* A hilariously fake review and the accompanying censurous legal threat: http:\/\/\/game-reviews\/completely-libelous-review\/1\/* More context. https:\/\/\/forum\/#!topic\/\/E7q27JJGvJ4* Metacritic score http:\/\/\/game\/pc\/line-of-defense-tactics---tactical-advantage* How Derek felt about deving for mobile (Before deving for mobile) http:\/\/\/ibCpjQRSSTs?t=4m21s* Derek accuses me of having multiple accounts and "teases" the word lawsuit while tl;dringhttp:\/\/\/app\/267220\/discussions\/0\/558747922093449025\/ EDIT: More veiled threats. Clunky. Difficult to understand why the controls weren't mapped for the PC. Short, lacks a good story.Most of all... the Dev has a track record for hating on his customers, and this time around is not any different.. For this price, I really expected a more sophisticated game. Instead, it's less deep and well thought out than other mobile games I paid five dollars for. The story is not very developed, actions have very little motivation, and the whole thing just feel disjointed. It seems more like a coffee break game, in bite size. And even at the current 50% off it is way over priced.. I want to love this game, there is so much potential. Its let down by an appaling interface. You cant pause without giving an order... Whats wrong with the spacebar to pause??? it works for every other game like this. Also why use radial menus? they are for console games. PC games use the mouse and keyboard. List the squad members across the bottom of the screen and place the order buttons for each one above their picture, that way you can see their status and what they have avaibable easily. Every time i play this my squad gets whiped out because i deliver an order to charge forward out of cover by accident. Anything more complex than move and shoot is too complex in the heat of battle... which defeats the point of this game.

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